Swedish Idioms based on Animals

How many animal names do you know in Swedish? Let's say you know them all! But what about the reputation of animals? ^^ Every language has its own approach for animals; they all interpret their characters in either similar or different way! And as a result of this, they can have idioms with the same animals but having different meanings. I thought that it would be fun to read, learn and compare them with the idioms in your language while learning some new animal names useful adjectives at the same time. Let's see what the animals evoke in Swedish Language!

Arg som ett bi Angry like a bee
Dum som en gås Dumb as a goose
Envis som en åsna Stubborn as a mule
Fattig som en kyrkråtta Poor as a church mouse
Flitig som en myra Industrious as an ant
Flitig som ett bi Industrious as a bee
Fri som en fågel Free as a bird
From som ett lamm Gentle as a lamb
Glad som en lärka Happy as a lark
Hal som en ål Slippery as an eel
Hungrig som en varg Hungry like a wolf
Klok som en uggla Wise as an owl
Listig som en räv Cunning as a fox
Lydig som en hund Lydig a dog
Pigg som en mört Mouse as a roach
Rädd som en hare Scared as a rabbit
Slug som en räv Sly as a fox
Smutsig som en gris Dirty as a pig
Snabb som en vessla Quick as a weasel
Stark som en oxe Strong as an ox
Stark som en björn Strong as a bear
Stolt som en tupp Proud as a peacock
Tyst som en mus Quiet as a mouse
Vig som en katt Nimble as a cat
Smidig som en katt Smooth as a cat

Do you have any similar idioms? or maybe you have different ones with the same animals? If so, then please comment and share with us!

1 comment:

Tack Tack !