Common Words
andra - other, others, second
dyr - expensive
mörda - to kill
räkning - math, count, bill
slippa - to get away, not have to
stirra - to stare
stöta - to get hurt, to encounter
Basic Phrases
uppfinna - to invent
två - two
bekymrad - worried
styrka - force, strength, troup, power
telegram - telegram
januari - january
troll - troll
orange - orange color
ignorera - ignore
rådgivare - advisor, counselor, adviser
telefonsamtal - phone call
prova - to test, to try
rejäl - sturdy, honest, big
artikel - article,item
grejor - stuff
garantera - to guarantee, to warrant
kors - cross
krama - to hug
någon - someone,some,any,something
anklaga - to accuse
stad - a city,town
bekräfta - to confirm
medvetslös - unconscious
hälsningar - greetings, regards
orsaka - to cause
(en) parfym - perfume
(en) serie - series,comic
(en) fas - phase,time period
mänsklig - human, humane
(en) present - gift, present
vi - we
när - when, as
resa - trip, journey, to travel
sakna: to miss someone
missa - to fail, to miss
(ett) samhälle: village, place, small town
smidig: nimble, agile
(en) semester: vacation holiday
(en) framtid: future
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