Here is a list of Swedish words that you can not find in English as one word. Let's have a look at them and see how many of them you know.
- Förrgår
- Övermorgon
- Orka
- Harkla
- Hinna
- Blunda
- Mysa
- Duktig
- Jobbig
- Gubbe/Gumma
- Mormor/farmor/morfar/farfar
- Farbror/morbror/faster/moster
- Fika
- Lagom
- Förrgår - The day before yesterday
- Övermorgon - The day after tomorrow
- orka - to have strength, to have the energy to
- harkla - to clean one's throat
- hinna - to have enough time
- blunda - to shut one's eyes
- mysa - to have comfort and pleasant time
- duktig - clever and skilled
- jobbig - physically and/or mentally exhausting
- gubbe - old man, gumma - old woman
- mormor-morfar, farmor-farfar - grandmather (mother of mother-father), grandfather (father of mother-father)
- farbror-morbror, faster-moster - uncle (brother of father-mother), aunt (sister of father-mother)
- fika - the activity/verb to describe to have coffee with "kaffebröd"/pastries with people
- lagom - not much, not little, just right, appropriate.
If you want to read more about them or discover even more words, I would recommend you to visit the reference pages. Hope you enjoyed the unique words of the beautiful Swedish Language!
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